Medical Lake High School Alumni

Medical Lake, Washington (WA)

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Sicily Warts (Sicily Dixon)

Medical Lake High School
Class of 1998

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→ There are 64 classes, starting with the class of 1935 all the way up to class of 2021.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Sicily
Last Name Warts
Maiden Name Dixon
Graduation Year Class of 1998
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province WA
Country United States
Occupation Loser
Favorite School Memory Sleeping around
About Me Not much
No photo uploaded

Class of 1998 Alumni

→ Reunite with 32 class of 1998 alumni that have joined.

Pamela Bolt

Pamela Bolt
Class of 2003

Krista Nichols

Krista Nichols
Class of 1990

Kareem Beasley

Kareem Beasley
Class of 1991

Jennifer Arneson

Jennifer Arneson
Class of 1997

Joe Garza

Joe Garza
Class of 1986

Julie Broderson

Julie Broderson
Class of 1987

Shawna Walden

Shawna Walden
Class of 1996

Kathi Jones

Kathi Jones
Class of 1973

Mike Odom

Mike Odom
Class of 1986

Amanda Giles

Amanda Giles
Class of 2000

Christie Willoughby

Christie Willoughby
Class of 2002

Penny Moody

Penny Moody
Class of 1978

Dan Huston

Dan Huston
Class of 1996

Caroline Collins

Caroline Collins
Class of 2006

Michelle Reis

Michelle Reis
Class of 1991

David Kline

David Kline
Class of 1985

Ken Witkoe

Ken Witkoe
Class of 1980

Laurie Carrell

Laurie Carrell
Class of 1985

Stephanie Laushot

Stephanie Laushot
Class of 1989

David Sheffer

David Sheffer
Class of 1976

Candice Irby

Candice Irby
Class of 2003

Ashley Coleman

Ashley Coleman
Class of 1999

Patricia Ewing

Patricia Ewing
Class of 1998

Michael Candy

Michael Candy
Class of 1994