Mehlville High School 9th Annual Big Party
November 29th, 2013 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Andre's Banquet Center
4254 Telegraph Rd.
, St. Louis
, Missouri
, 63129
ticket prices
Price of reunion includes DJ, hot pasta, Italian salad, dollar sandwiches, rolls, 4 hour open bar with draft beer and 12 bar liquors - $20.00
$30.00 at the door, NO EXCEPTIONS! - $30.00
About Event
This Big Party is for any & all OHS & MHS 1974, 1975, 1976, Alumni and all of their closest friends from 1977, 1978 and/or 1979!
These were the classes that first walked the halls of OHS before being split by the completion of OHS.
We celebrate together for being the only classes to attend both high schools.
$20.00 Price of reunion includes DJ, hot pasta, Italian salad, dollar sandwiches, rolls, 4 hour open bar with draft beer and 12 bar liquors.
Please make checks payable to the MOAA (Mehlville-Oakville Alumni Association) and sent to:
PO Box 6593
St. Louis, MO 63125
OR send Paypal payment to:
mhsohsalumniconnection at yahoo dot com.
We are limited to 200 people, so please get your reservations in early and include your name, address, phone, email, school & graduating class, plus the names of any guests.