Milford High School Alumni

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Tammy Bloor (Tammy Horan)

Milford High School
Class of 1978

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No photo uploaded
First Name Tammy
Last Name Bloor
Maiden Name Horan
Graduation Year Class of 1978
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province WA
Country United States
Occupation Paralegal
Married Yes
About Me I'm happily married with a daughter and a son as well as two great stepdaughters. With everyone in college, we are nearly empty nesters.
No photo uploaded

Class of 1978 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 30 class of 1978 alumni that have joined.

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Dan Nouhan

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Mike Regan

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Larissa Wright

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Nycole Roberts

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Jason York

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Jason Harris Jason Harris

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Ronald Hamlet

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Claire Gray

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Patricia Demott

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Joan Bonham

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Lori Kotas

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Charles-lisa Purvis

Charles-lisa Purvis
Class of 1995

Sue Netschke

Sue Netschke
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Ray Bawol

Ray Bawol
Class of 2005

Christie Garant

Christie Garant
Class of 1970

Timothy Petterson

Timothy Petterson
Class of 1990

Carol Hanner

Carol Hanner
Class of 1980

Jeff Gentry

Jeff Gentry
Class of 1980

Jamie Owens

Jamie Owens
Class of 2001

Sherrie Neiger

Sherrie Neiger
Class of 1975

Steven Shay

Steven Shay
Class of 2012

Richele Trabert

Richele Trabert
Class of 1989