Milford High School Alumni

Highland, Michigan (MI)

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William Gallagher

Milford High School
Class of 1999

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→ There are 68 classes, starting with the class of 1928 all the way up to class of 2022.


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No photo uploaded
First Name William
Last Name Gallagher
Graduation Year Class of 1999
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province FL
Country United States
Married No
No photo uploaded

Class of 1999 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 30 class of 1999 alumni that have joined.

Carl Vance

Carl Vance
Class of 1984

Dustin Fleming

Dustin Fleming
Class of 1999

Carl Taylor

Carl Taylor
Class of 1989

Jay Gordinier

Jay Gordinier
Class of 1985

Debra Krause

Debra Krause
Class of 1973

Connie Nelson

Connie Nelson
Class of 1975

Onas Smith

Onas Smith
Class of 1968

Thomas Royce

Thomas Royce
Class of 1986

Eric Smith

Eric Smith
Class of 1990

Cynthia Miller

Cynthia Miller
Class of 1980

Carl Atwater

Carl Atwater
Class of 1968

Jim Kirbach

Jim Kirbach
Class of 1973

Nick Young

Nick Young
Class of 2013

Rorge Retson

Rorge Retson
Class of 1981

Alexa Jordan

Alexa Jordan
Class of 1979

Robyn Sanislow

Robyn Sanislow
Class of 1973

Arianna Bannerman

Arianna Bannerman
Class of 1991

Kathy Stiff

Kathy Stiff
Class of 1974

Seth Saunders

Seth Saunders
Class of 2001

Eric Bate

Eric Bate
Class of 1970

Joseph Sare

Joseph Sare
Class of 1977

John Rohman

John Rohman
Class of 1991

Cathy Lengeman

Cathy Lengeman
Class of 1988

Pat Bradey

Pat Bradey
Class of 1990