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Miller High School Coach Jim Lasalle’s 1994 State Championship Class 1a!




Miller Football Field “Coach Jim Lasalle’s Legacy Lives Forever “

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This 30 year anniversary of Coach Lasalle’s State Championship is what this is all about! His 1994 team was a reflection of him, his life, his faith, and his commitment and understanding of the game he loves! His coaching story has always been one of the greatest stories of all time! It’s not just what he did, but it’s how he did it that made him the Legend he is! This 30 year anniversary of his Championship achievement is all about you coach! You’ve touched so many young men’s lives and helped shape so many of us to become what we are today! The Honor of getting to be on Your Team is a blessing and privilege that God gave us.So I want to personally thank you for allowing me to be apart of Your State Championship Team, and for giving me the privilege, confidence in myself to perform at the highest level just like the way you coached! We all love you and this reunion is all about You, The Greatest Coach of All Time!! Thank You and God Bless

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Ramey Smith '94 posted a photo:

I’ll never forget the greatest pep talk ever! Coach, at the end of Thursdays practice the day before we faced Mt.Vernon, with his head down, slowly walking back and forth, hands behind his back,said gather in guys. Last year I had the most embarrassing loss of my career. A 64-0 loss to the Green team. That was how he refereed to the Mountaineers. They showed up here in their bus 5 minutes before kickoff fully dressed, helmets on and came out on this field, our field, and handed us a beating! And then they got back on their bus and went home. So this year we are going to do the same thing! We’re going to get dressed out in our locker room, come out here on our field and go through our usual pregame warmups, then go get on our bus, show up on there field 5 minutes before kickoff, kick there butts, and get back on our bus and come back home! It was dead silent, and I hollered “Yaaa”! And Coaches head came up, the whole team turned and looked at me and I said it even louder,”Yaaa, that’s exactly how we’re gonna do it”!! It was like you could feel the power of God came down and laid his hands on us and gave us his strength! And the next night it happened just the way Coach said! I had never felt the presence of the Lord so strong as that Thursday evening listening to that speech in my 48 years of life! God is real and I’ve known it since that Thursday, and that is why I have a relationship with Jesus Christ! It just takes one spark to change a person’s life. And Coach Lasalle’s words changed me for ever that day! This is why Coach is so special to me, and I give him the credit for changing kids lives in ways that he doesn’t even know about. He’s a Legend and I will always love him for being the Man he is! And this is just one of my stories that I have to tell about Coach! Stay tuned in and I will tell another story of
“The Greatest Coach of all Time “ God Bless

Posted October 24th, 2024




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Ramey Smith '94 posted a photo:

Coach Hill is in charge of organizing the event. So we are all waiting to see what game he chooses to celebrate Coach Jim Lasalle’s Championship Team.

Greatest game would have to be against Adrian in the semis
Yes the coaching job was perfect! I had a concussion in that game, so most of the time I didn’t know if we were on offense or defense. It should have ended 7-0 in regulation but Adrian completed a pass and all Bullard had to do make a simple tackle and game over but he tried this flying Superman tackle and missed the guy from slipping in the mud and down the field he went for 50 or 60 yards, TD! 7-7 tie game and I can only remember thinking come on guys let’s hurry up and win this thing so you can get me on the bus and take me home! A concussion is a very strange thing to experience and mine was as bad as it gets.
Last reply posted September 17th, 2024

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