Mineral Point High School Alumni

Mineral Point, Wisconsin (WI)

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Travis Moseley Travis Moseley (Travis Moseley Travis Moseley)

Mineral Point High School
Class of 1962

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No photo uploaded
First Name Travis Moseley
Last Name Travis Moseley
Maiden Name Travis Moseley
Graduation Year Class of 1962
No photo uploaded

Class of 1962 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

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Joyce Rundle Joyce Reger
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Jeni Shogren

Jeni Shogren
Class of 1985

Barbara Barbara Rasmussen

Barbara Barbara Rasmussen
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Michelle Finley

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Sean Sommer

Sean Sommer
Class of 1980

Angela Lawinger

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Class of 1991

Peter Wedig

Peter Wedig
Class of 1978

Tom Speich

Tom Speich
Class of 1959

Mark Hannah Mark Hannah

Mark Hannah Mark Hannah
Class of 1970

Linda Bronwell

Linda Bronwell
Class of 1966

Randolph Schneider

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Class of 1976

Jane Palzkill

Jane Palzkill
Class of 1963

Donald Miller

Donald Miller
Class of 1976

Lisa Reynolds

Lisa Reynolds
Class of 1986

Heather Ruelle

Heather Ruelle
Class of 2002

Laurence Scchmit

Laurence Scchmit
Class of 1962

John Benson

John Benson
Class of 1954

Frances Toay

Frances Toay
Class of 1990

Tricia Argall Sporle

Tricia Argall Sporle
Class of 1993

Maribeth Mills

Maribeth Mills
Class of 1974

Larry Terrill

Larry Terrill
Class of 1974

Terry Fine

Terry Fine
Class of 1974

Nathaniel Meredith

Nathaniel Meredith
Class of 1998