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Minico High School - Class of 1990 Alumni, Rupert ID

Join 22 alumni from Minico High School Class of 1990. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Renae Bowman Renae Wilson

Renae Bowman Renae Wilson
Class of 1990

John Adam

John Adam
Class of 1990

Steven E

Steven E
Class of 1990

Kelli Clark

Kelli Clark
Class of 1990

Janae Berry

Janae Berry
Class of 1990

Keith Peterson

Keith Peterson
Class of 1990

Paula Morrison

Paula Morrison
Class of 1990

Michelle Jarolimek

Michelle Jarolimek
Class of 1990

Alicia Malan

Alicia Malan
Class of 1990

Miranda (randi) Young

Miranda (randi) Young
Class of 1990

Antoon Buitenhuis

Antoon Buitenhuis
Class of 1990

Teri Castro

Teri Castro
Class of 1990

Shauna Oliver

Shauna Oliver
Class of 1990

Randy Zamora

Randy Zamora
Class of 1990

Shane Maxwell

Shane Maxwell
Class of 1990

Deanna Dayley

Deanna Dayley
Class of 1990

Michael Bateman

Michael Bateman
Class of 1990

Cameron May

Cameron May
Class of 1990

Anita Andrade

Anita Andrade
Class of 1990

Christopher Bortz

Christopher Bortz
Class of 1990

Patsy Barnes

Patsy Barnes
Class of 1990

Kathy Patterson

Kathy Patterson
Class of 1990

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