
Register as an alumni from Minneapolis West High School (Minneapolis Minnesota) and reunite with 1,298 classmates and old friends. Share your memories by posting photos or stories, or find out about your next class reunion!

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Minneapolis West High School Apparel

Minneapolis West High School Obituaries

Ozina A. Browndixonjones
Ozina A. BrownDixonJones
Class of 1977
Passed Sep 21, 2004
Shannon Simonson
Shannon Simonson
Class of 1975
Clifford L. Fredell
Clifford L. Fredell
Class of 1947
Trent Powers
Trent Powers
Class of 1947
Trent Powers
Trent Powers
Class of 1947

Recently Joined Cowboys

Dale Amlee
Dale Amlee
Class of 1980
Steve Heinecke
Steve Heinecke
Class of 1970
Barbara Taylor
Barbara Taylor
Class of 1967
Class of 1968
Kathy Solberg
Kathy Solberg
Class of 1968
Duane Palm
Duane Palm
Class of 1968
Karen Mjolhus
Karen Mjolhus
Class of 1972
Jbill Erickson
Jbill Erickson
Class of 1947
Rebecca Fowles
Rebecca Fowles
Class of 1972
Jeffrey Cochran
Jeffrey Cochran
Class of 1964
Tom Heinrich
Tom Heinrich
Class of 1965
Alice Alice Bowron
Alice Alice Bowron
Class of 1965