Mohawk Trail Regional High School Alumni
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts (MA)
Mohawk Trail Regional High School - Class of 1978 Alumni, Shelburne Falls MA
Join 9 alumni from Mohawk Trail Regional High School Class of 1978. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Alison Dearden
Class of 1978
Wendy Segala
Class of 1978
Bill Kelleher
Class of 1978
Sidney Pereira
Class of 1978
Wendy Cranson
Class of 1978
Maureen Kugler
Class of 1978
Wayde Porrovecchio
Class of 1978
Betsy Perkins
Class of 1978
Kathleen Fish
Class of 1978
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Class of 1977
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Class of 1979
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