Monroe County High School Alumni
Monroeville, Alabama (AL)
Pc Logic
Monroe County High School
Class of 1994
→ Join 1217 Alumni from Monroe County High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 53 classes, starting with the class of 1945 all the way up to class of 2017.
First Name | Pc |
Last Name | Logic |
Graduation Year | Class of 1994 |
Gender | Male |
Current Location | Kingsport tennessee |
About Me | Your have a computer repair that needs to get done right away. You are ready to take it anywhere. Question is, where should you take it? Does it really matter where you take it? I would suggest that it does. Here are some things you may have not considered before. What kind of turn around time do they have? Some computer repair shops will take two to three weeks to return your computer to you. Are you ready to be without your computer for that long? If not, shop around. We are computer repair TEAM that can get your computer back to you in as little as a few hours. We are a on site team that u can trust and without the hassle of unplugging and lugging your PC to a shop. What do they charge for their hourly fee? Some companies charge really high fees and take a really long time to get the computer back to you. You want a repair tech that will be quick and will do the repair right the first time. Most shops have a set price list for specific tasks. PCLogic will give you a solid quote before we start work. If we have to take the PC or Laptop back the shop we guarantee to make sure we contact you for approval if there is any reason to increase you repair bill before we start the repair. If the price is unsatisfying we will return your...(read more) |
Class of 1994 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 10 class of 1994 alumni that have joined.
Quiton Hurry
Class of 2009
Ricky Turberville
Class of 1979
Nelson Buskill
Class of 1979
Ladycarla Tate
Class of 1989
Aimee Elbrecht
Class of 1994
John Turberville
Class of 1994
Ashley Brackin
Class of 1995
William Alexander
Class of 1982
Joyce Mcpherson
Class of 1993
Erin Darlene Adams
Class of 1992
Brenda Clausell
Class of 1982
Samuel (donnie) Fuller
Class of 1972
Bill (william) Mallinson
Class of 1988
Sharon Sharon Young
Class of 1983
Carla Tate
Class of 1989
Clifford Cotton
Class of 1981
Natasha Richardson-james
Class of 2002
Treece George
Class of 1984
Samantha Black
Class of 1998
Carmen Bennett
Class of 2003
Natalie Bodiford
Class of 2007
Lucian Jones
Class of 1972
Jason Smith
Class of 1999
Stephen Jackson
Class of 1990