Monroe High School Alumni
Monroe, Oregon (OR)
Carol Ratzlaf
Monroe High School
Class of 1961
→ Join 1078 Alumni from Monroe High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 38 classes, starting with the class of 1937 all the way up to class of 2007.
Class of 1961 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
Carin Smith
Class of 1982
Dawn Hann
Class of 1971
Sheryl Kaping
Class of 1978
Garrett Bond
Class of 1968
Joyce Nissen
Class of 1965
Dawn Percy
Class of 1987
Sara Hayes
Class of 1991
Dick Cheadle
Class of 1937
Jim Stroda
Class of 1969
Letha Gamache Horlacher
Class of 1972
Rick James
Class of 1999
David Freeman
Class of 1977
Penney Koroush
Class of 1972
Susie George
Class of 1973
Vance Satchell
Class of 1994
Phyllis Crawford
Class of 1966
Sheryl Lines
Class of 1980
Sheryl Sheryl Kaping
Class of 1978
Kathleen Wieger
Class of 1961
Jody Conn
Class of 1987
Karen Eskridge
Class of 1966
Gregory Myers
Class of 2007
Woodard Williams
Class of 1974
Debra Cox, Hoskins
Class of 1977