Montgomery County High School Alumni

Mount Sterling, Kentucky (KY)

AlumniClass Home  >  Kentucky  >  Montgomery County High School  >  Class of 1974  >  Linda Woosley

Linda Woosley (Linda Woosley)

Montgomery County High School
Class of 1974

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→ There are 63 classes, starting with the class of 1940 all the way up to class of 2023.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Linda
Last Name Woosley
Maiden Name Woosley
Graduation Year Class of 1974
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province KY
Country United States
Occupation factory
Married No
No photo uploaded

Class of 1974 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 11 class of 1974 alumni that have joined.

Loretta Gannon

Loretta Gannon
Class of 1979

Tommy Taylor

Tommy Taylor
Class of 2002

Mary Beth Jones

Mary Beth Jones
Class of 1999

Jerry Gray

Jerry Gray
Class of 2007

Jim Duff

Jim Duff
Class of 1967

Robert H. Robert H. Hays

Robert H. Robert H. Hays
Class of 1969

Regina Montgomery

Regina Montgomery
Class of 1988

Sarah Razor

Sarah Razor
Class of 2011

Criana Owens

Criana Owens
Class of 2003

Nellie Burford

Nellie Burford
Class of 1992

Christopher Conley

Christopher Conley
Class of 1998

Camille Sandlin

Camille Sandlin
Class of 2000

Kevin Miles

Kevin Miles
Class of 1988

Sheila Hawkins

Sheila Hawkins
Class of 1978

Roger Wright

Roger Wright
Class of 1987

Prewitt Roberts

Prewitt Roberts
Class of 2000

Heather Ratliff

Heather Ratliff
Class of 2007

Kim Watkins

Kim Watkins
Class of 1984

Kimberly Gooding

Kimberly Gooding
Class of 1996

Caroline Cooper

Caroline Cooper
Class of 2008

Diana Potter

Diana Potter
Class of 1977

Sandy Woosley

Sandy Woosley
Class of 1983

Candace Snowden

Candace Snowden
Class of 1998

Lynette Fox

Lynette Fox
Class of 1986