Morton High School Alumni

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Diane (dee) Birch (Diane (dee) Bjorklund)

Morton High School
Class of 1967

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Diane (dee) Bjorklund - Class of 1967 - Morton High School
First Name Diane (dee)
Last Name Birch
Maiden Name Bjorklund
Graduation Year Class of 1967
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province NC
Country United States
Occupation Associate Professor(rn)
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Blew a hole in the ceiling in chem lab because the bunsen burner was too close to Benzene
About Me Been divorced and remarried several times. I can't seem to get it right. :-) Completed all my education (doctorate) and am teaching at N.C. A & T State University looking forward to retirement. 2012-Been one year since retirement and love it!
Diane (dee) Bjorklund - Class of 1967 - Morton High School

Class of 1967 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 15 class of 1967 alumni that have joined.

Tanya Tucker

Tanya Tucker
Class of 2003

Jim Bucko

Jim Bucko
Class of 1965

Ashley Sancya

Ashley Sancya
Class of 2001

Enrique Martinez-avila

Enrique Martinez-avila
Class of 1988

Elizabeth Torres

Elizabeth Torres
Class of 1968

Belinda Mandichak

Belinda Mandichak
Class of 1980

Ted Hanson

Ted Hanson
Class of 1967

Patricia Mack

Patricia Mack
Class of 1955

Matt Bullk

Matt Bullk
Class of 2002

Darrell Frost

Darrell Frost
Class of 1975

George Oman

George Oman
Class of 1972

Pamela Langmeyer

Pamela Langmeyer
Class of 1999

Glen Meadows

Glen Meadows
Class of 1988

Lois Dawson

Lois Dawson
Class of 1970

Susan Reynolds

Susan Reynolds
Class of 1963

Dianne Radencich

Dianne Radencich
Class of 1991

Sandra Cox

Sandra Cox
Class of 1966

John David Chesney

John David Chesney
Class of 1961

Gerald Skrabala

Gerald Skrabala
Class of 1967

Stevenson Chavez

Stevenson Chavez
Class of 2004

Virginia Monae

Virginia Monae
Class of 1973

Jerry Evans

Jerry Evans
Class of 1970

John Macano

John Macano
Class of 2003

Robin Victor

Robin Victor
Class of 1979