Mount Tahoma High School Alumni

Tacoma, Washington (WA)

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Breann Taylor (Breann Shannel)

Mount Tahoma High School
Class of 1999

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→ There are 66 classes, starting with the class of 1912 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Breann
Last Name Taylor
Maiden Name Shannel
Graduation Year Class of 1999
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province WA
Country United States
Occupation Office Asst
Married No
Favorite School Memory BASKET BALL GAMES
No photo uploaded

Class of 1999 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 27 class of 1999 alumni that have joined.

Saveth Ry

Saveth Ry
Class of 2002

Roger King

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Class of 1962

Theresa (Terry) Wuitschick

Theresa (Terry) Wuitschick
Class of 1975

Brandy Nivens

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Class of 1992

Kari Thoreson

Kari Thoreson
Class of 1970

Debbie Holland

Debbie Holland
Class of 1971

Ted Carter

Ted Carter
Class of 1981

Steve Jay

Steve Jay
Class of 1993

Matt Wicks

Matt Wicks
Class of 1990

Larry Lewis

Larry Lewis
Class of 1963

Travaughn Homer

Travaughn Homer
Class of 2002

Margaret Mcdonnell

Margaret Mcdonnell
Class of 1978

Amy Forshee

Amy Forshee
Class of 2006

NANCY Altman

NANCY Altman
Class of 1974

Patti Miller

Patti Miller
Class of 1968

Carmen Klaas

Carmen Klaas
Class of 1996

Leslie Miller

Leslie Miller
Class of 1975

Gerardo Encinas

Gerardo Encinas
Class of 1997

Janice Kuich

Janice Kuich
Class of 1966

Sara Capron

Sara Capron
Class of 1968

Larry Hermansen

Larry Hermansen
Class of 1973

Sandra Rayner

Sandra Rayner
Class of 1965

Andrea Valdez

Andrea Valdez
Class of 2001

Sabrina Carr-roberts

Sabrina Carr-roberts
Class of 1994