Mount Tahoma High School Alumni

Tacoma, Washington (WA)

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Terra Scapes

Mount Tahoma High School
Class of 1999

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→ There are 66 classes, starting with the class of 1912 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Terra
Last Name Scapes
Graduation Year Class of 1999
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province WA
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1999 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 27 class of 1999 alumni that have joined.

Diana Micheles

Diana Micheles
Class of 1980

Roselie Ojeda

Roselie Ojeda
Class of 1970

Sheri Dixon

Sheri Dixon
Class of 1983

Bob Bartell

Bob Bartell
Class of 1974

Matt Wicks

Matt Wicks
Class of 1990

Marc Mcdermott

Marc Mcdermott
Class of 1984

April Reeves

April Reeves
Class of 1987

Tony Powell

Tony Powell
Class of 1978

Ron Klein

Ron Klein
Class of 1969

Rhonda Borba

Rhonda Borba
Class of 1968

Patty Hestla

Patty Hestla
Class of 1982

Tim Spiry-barker

Tim Spiry-barker
Class of 2004

James Cowan

James Cowan
Class of 1978

Michelle Muir

Michelle Muir
Class of 1991

Joseph Kaeser

Joseph Kaeser
Class of 1982

Bob Jensen

Bob Jensen
Class of 1963

Janie Johnson

Janie Johnson
Class of 1974

Lee Hartley

Lee Hartley
Class of 1971

Johnathan Anderson

Johnathan Anderson
Class of 1997

Robert Schreiner

Robert Schreiner
Class of 1970

Pat Knapp

Pat Knapp
Class of 1963

Doug Armstrong

Doug Armstrong
Class of 1977

Tessa Abrahamson

Tessa Abrahamson
Class of 2001

Cheryl Umbriaco

Cheryl Umbriaco
Class of 1976