Nelson County High School Alumni
Lovingston, Virginia (VA)
Nelson County High School - Class of 1981 Alumni, Lovingston VA
Join 12 alumni from Nelson County High School Class of 1981. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Ellel Hardin
Class of 1981
Gary Sites
Class of 1981
Diane Washington
Class of 1981
Lucille Patterson
Class of 1981
Mary Glass
Class of 1981
Teresa Lynn Hutchins
Class of 1981
Kimberly Carter
Class of 1981
Alan Stewart
Class of 1981
Evelyn Shelton
Class of 1981
David Shields
Class of 1981
Donna Napier
Class of 1981
Robin Beasley
Class of 1981
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