New Britain High School Alumni

New Britain, Connecticut (CT)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Arthur Scott Coggins
Arthur Scott Coggins
Class of 1981
Army, 11 Years

US Army 81-92. Electronics/Radio repair 81-85, served in Korea, then Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. Military Intelligence/Russian Linguist 86-92, Monterey, CA, San Angelo, TX, Wurzburg, Germany.
Charmetri A. Wrice-Bulluck
Charmetri A. Wrice-Bulluck
Class of 1980
Army, 18 Years

US Army 1985-2008
98th Div 5th Bn Psyop Support for OIF/OEF
Retired Sgt First Class
Christopher J. Fothergill
Christopher J. Fothergill
Class of 2002
Marine Corps, 10 Years

Semper Fi
Darryl G. Lentini
Darryl G. Lentini
Class of 1955
Army, 20+ Years

US Army Paratroopers/Infantryman/Served in Germany/Lebanon/Korea/Vietnam/Thailand. Retired in Lexington, NC.
Darryl Lentini
Darryl Lentini
Class of 1955
Army, 20+ Years

Served most of my time in the 82nd Airborne Div. Two tours of duty in Vietnam, One tour in Korea , One tour in Thailand, Two tours in Germany and 4 months in Lebanon. Retired as Master Sgt and a Master Parachutist. Retired in Lexington, NC.
David A. Hammick
David A. Hammick
Class of 1962
Marine Corps, 12 Years

I was a combat engineer the majority of my time in the service. I served in Vietnam in 1967, 1968 1969 and 1970. I was wounded in 1968.
David Hammick
David Hammick
Class of 1962
Marine Corps, 12 Years

Served 12 years in the Marines at Camp Lejuene, Camp Pendleton, 29 Palms, Okinawa, Vietnam 1967-1970 and various other stations.
Dominic Napolitano
Dominic Napolitano
Class of 1973
Army, 20+ Years

United States Army Band Europe
Donna L. Boulaine
Donna L. Boulaine
Class of 1971
Air Force, 6 Years

Served as Administrative Specialist and then transferred into Air Passenger Specialist field. Served stateside during the Vietnam conflict. Transferred into the CT Air National Guard in 1973 and served there until June of 1977.
Ed Krupinski
Ed Krupinski
Class of 1961
Air Force, 4 Years

Served as a KC-135 Flying Gas Station Flight Simulator Specialist. The simulator had a permanent installation at the Strategic Air Command Headquarters at Westover AFB in Mass. The Airmen served on a rotating temporary duty assignment for the flight simulator built in a railroad car. The railroad car was huge compared to a regular RR car because it had hydraulically expanding sides that opened up when power was connected to the car at a railroad side on the AFB. The car traveled between Florida, Georgia, and Michigan during the year. An Airman, including myself, traveled in the car as it was moved by locomotives between the bases. I think that they had an airman two or three stripe travel with the car so the Air Force could have someone to blame and court-martial if the car derailed or was moved a thousand miles with the brakes locked. With the wheels locked the brakes could shoot sparks and start forest fires between the bases. The RR car had a pull-down Murphy type bed, a sink, a liquor cabinet (refrigerator), and a view of America thru an open personnel door with a chain across the opening to prevent the wheeled office chair from dumping you into the Okeefeenokee Swamp, an Atlanta slum, or a Jacksonville RR switching yard.
The Air Force was an alternative to Viet Nam. There wasn't any money in rank but then again there was no Gook shooting at you or poisoning you with bamboo spear points.
Emily DiCosimo
Emily DiCosimo
Class of 2005
Marine Corps, 1 Years

she has been in for about a year now workin as a Landing Support speacialist schedualed to deploy to iraq in august.
Felix Ayala
Felix Ayala
Class of 2008
Marine Corps, 6 Years

Joined the Marine Corps only two months after our graduation and four months before my 18th birthday. Oooraahhh !!
Gary Grumwald
Gary Grumwald
Class of 1974
Navy, 10 Years

Electronic Technician , USS Mt Whitney, Traveled the world . Lived in Latina Italy for a year. Great experiences.
Gerald Zavecz
Gerald Zavecz
Class of 1966
Air Force, 6 Years

Worked in accounting and finance handling military pay records and working to consolidate the individual base pay and personnel records to s central depository.
Henry McCray
Henry McCray
Class of 1975
Navy, 6 Years

E-5 QM2 navigator assistant,and master helmsman steer ship during refueling and special operations.
Howard Donahue
Howard Donahue
Class of 1954
Army, 3 Years

served in the army from sept 54 to sept 57
Ismael Negron (Itchy)
Ismael Negron (Itchy)
Class of 1970
Army, 20+ Years

Air defense, as a Chapparal Crewman and Redeye gunner, transitioned to Aviation served as an intructor for the US Army Aviation Logistics School , 3rd Staff and Faculty, served in Germany twice, Stationed in Wuerzburg, and Nurnberg, serviced in Korea for a year, served with the 101 Airborne division, Marne Division, Air Calvalry, more information can be found in Military .com, retired in July of 1997
James Scott Sanders
James Scott Sanders
Class of 1975
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

Combat photographer/Aerial recon photographer
Jeffrey Bouchard
Jeffrey Bouchard
Class of 1975
Army, 20+ Years

Helicopter/Multi-Engine Airplance Pilot and Safety Manager
Karen Meza
Karen Meza
Class of 2008
Marine Corps, 1 Years

administrtive clerk in the the Marine Corps
Khamphet Manivong
Khamphet Manivong
Class of 1998
Marine Corps, 7 Years

Camp Pendleton, CA
Okinawa, Japan (MSSG-31)
Operation Enduring/Iraqi Freedom I (2/03-7-03)
Khamphet Manivong
Khamphet Manivong
Class of 1998
Marine Corps, 7 Years

Operation Enduring/Iraqi Freedom
Kristopher A. Childs
Kristopher A. Childs
Class of 1996
Air Force, 9 Years

8yrs. were spent with the Ct. Army National Guard. 1yr. with the Air Force Reserves and a 6yr commitment.
Lamont Duncan
Lamont Duncan
Class of 1965
Marine Corps, 6 Years

Served as a meteorologist with 1st and 3rd MAW, Vietnam Vet '68/'69.
Lisa Knox
Lisa Knox
Class of 1989
Army, 5 Years

US Army Finance Corp. Stationed in Fort Stewart, Georgia.
Louis Urso
Louis Urso
Class of 1965
Army, 3 Years

4th Infantry Veteran of Viet Nam 1966-1967
Awarded Bronze Star for Herosim in Ground
Combat March 21, 1967
Mike Golas
Mike Golas
Class of 1961
Navy, 4 Years

Air traffic controller.Duty stations New Iberia,Louisiana,Guantanomo Bay Cuba,AKA GITMO,Brunswick,Maine
Phyllis A Dorough-Barker
Phyllis A Dorough-Barker
Class of 1967
Army, 20+ Years

Worked in administration, training, operations.
raymond joseph kosinski
raymond joseph kosinski
Class of 1968
Army, 3 Years

91G (Psych/Social) SP5
Reinaldo Rosado
Reinaldo Rosado
Class of 1985
Navy, 20+ Years

Still on active duty
Richard Rabinowitz
Richard Rabinowitz
Class of 1941
Army, 3 Years

World War 2
Robert Stavinsky
Robert Stavinsky
Class of 1962
National Guard, 20+ Years

Four years Air Force; 21 years Ct. Army National Guard
Roderick Simms
Roderick Simms
Class of 1998
Air Force, 6 Years

US Air Force
Romeo Martin
Romeo Martin
Class of 1968
Army, 2 Years

11th Armored Cavalry Veteran of Vietnam and Cambodia. Jan.1970-Dec.1970 Sheridan Tank driver.
Sebastian R Papa
Sebastian R Papa
Class of 1946
Army, 2 Years

Played trumpet in the 298th AGF Band in Berlin, Germany alonside the great Chet Baker.
Ted Gwostz
Ted Gwostz
Class of 1977
Air Force, 10 Years

Air Force - stationed at Rhein Main AB, Germany. Macdill AFB, Tampa Florida, Pope AFB Fayetteville, North Carolina 1984-1994 picture - first row left of center.
William Wieland
William Wieland
Class of 1991
Navy, 6 Years

Hospital Corpsman with the Seabees

Classmates Spotlight

New Britain High School Classmates

Robert Weber
Class of '65

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School News

NBHS Grad is NASSP President

Barry Stark, 1963 NBHS graduate, is serving as President of the
30,000- member National Association of Secondar...
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Our New Britain High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our New Britain High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in New Britain are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!