New Underwood High School Alumni

New Underwood, South Dakota (SD)

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Debbie Jensen (Debbie Jensen)

New Underwood High School
Class of 1981

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No photo uploaded
First Name Debbie
Last Name Jensen
Maiden Name Jensen
Graduation Year Class of 1981
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province SD
Country United States
Occupation Nurse
Married Divorced
Favorite School Memory going to the state girls basketball tournament when I was a freshman
About Me worked as a nurse, moved away for nine years to indiana, now living back in newunderwood for the last 12 years.
No photo uploaded

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Garland Spears

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John Masterson

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John Pavon

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Marshall Herman Byrne

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Nick Simon

Nick Simon
Class of 1999

Jason Fiedler

Jason Fiedler
Class of 1994

Mitch Nachtigall

Mitch Nachtigall
Class of 2000

John Jensen

John Jensen
Class of 2003

Melissa Merrill

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