North Buncombe High School Alumni

Weaverville, North Carolina (NC)

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Kim Crain (Kim Lankford)

North Buncombe High School
Class of 1988

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Kim Lankford - Class of 1988 - North Buncombe High School
First Name Kim
Last Name Crain
Maiden Name Lankford
Graduation Year Class of 1988
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province NC
Country United States
Occupation Registered Nurse
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Skipping school with Woodeane Edwards; we would go to Grove Park Inn, buy jelly beans and walk around.
About Me Married in November 1988; my son David was born May 1989; my daughter Randalyn was born 1992. I obtained my LPN diploma in 1995 and went to work at Thom's Rehabilitation Hospital. I returned to school in 2004 working on my RN degree. I graduated May 2007 and have been an RN since July 2007. I still work at Carepartner's Rehabilitation Hospital (formerly known as Thom's). I'm my kids biggest fan a...(read more)
Kim Lankford - Class of 1988 - North Buncombe High School

Class of 1988 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 23 class of 1988 alumni that have joined.

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Lauren Kellis

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Michael Bradley

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Michael Boland

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Tracy Smith

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Nancy Justice

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Heather Koontz

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Patsy Edwards

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Christopher Bradford

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