North High School Alumni
Fargo, North Dakota (ND)
North High School - Class of 1974 Alumni, Fargo ND
Join 37 alumni from North High School Class of 1974. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Laurel Ness
Class of 1974

James Cooke
Class of 1974

Lyn Swalstad
Class of 1974

Paula Gronland
Class of 1974

Barb Shaw
Class of 1974

Bob Germaine
Class of 1974

Terrance Terrance Peterson
Class of 1974

Carol Anderson
Class of 1974

Brian Dahl
Class of 1974

Brenda Quast
Class of 1974

Connie Mar
Class of 1974

William Swenson
Class of 1974

Brian Jones
Class of 1974

Marti Ruby
Class of 1974

John Howard
Class of 1974

Janine Geiszler
Class of 1974

Gary Rasmussen
Class of 1974

Lori Olson
Class of 1974

Jane Olson
Class of 1974

Jay Weingarten
Class of 1974

David Wilkerson
Class of 1974

Barbara Bentson
Class of 1974

Carla Michaelsen
Class of 1974

Dennis Froemke
Class of 1974

William Womack
Class of 1974

Shirley Rekken
Class of 1974

Mike (bucky) Miller
Class of 1974

Lisbeth Vinther Lisbeth Vinther Sorensen
Class of 1974

Don Paulson
Class of 1974

Paul Valenta
Class of 1974

Mark Olson
Class of 1974

Doug Jensen
Class of 1974

Paul Henningson
Class of 1974

Cecil Kramer
Class of 1974

Phil Slingsby
Class of 1974

Karen Naastad
Class of 1974

Hal Torson
Class of 1974
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