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Devin Baker

North Pole High School
Class of 2002

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Devin Baker - Class of 2002 - North Pole High School
First Name Devin
Last Name Baker
Graduation Year Class of 2002
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province AZ
Country United States
Occupation Undergraduate Student, Air National Guardsman, Manager for QuikTrip gasoline
Married Yes
About Me Went on a Mission for my church to Chicago, Illinois for 2 years. Joined the Air National Guard, got married, had a little boy, moved to Arizona. Started school again, and waiting for our little girl in February of 2009.
Devin Baker - Class of 2002 - North Pole High School

Class of 2002 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 23 class of 2002 alumni that have joined.

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Class of 1992

Kelly Mcveigh

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Class of 1988

Donald Garner

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Class of 1984

Cindy Taylor

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Class of 1998

Rebecca Dolgner

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Class of 1990

Mary Hargiss

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Class of 1978

Tyrell Robinson

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Class of 2001

Scott Thompson

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Class of 1988

Jennifer Orth

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Class of 1991

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Class of 1991

Giese Leah

Giese Leah
Class of 1989

Heather Bilicki

Heather Bilicki
Class of 1989

Melody Lindhag

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Class of 1993

Holly Lively

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Class of 1984

Maja Colelli

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Class of 2003

Michelle Mcauslan

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Class of 1989

Heather Berrey

Heather Berrey
Class of 1990

Lori Hale

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Class of 1984