North Pole High School Alumni

North Pole, Alaska (AK)

AlumniClass Home  >  Alaska  >  North Pole High School  >  Class of 2012  >  Jake Ryan

Jake Thomas (Jake Ryan)

North Pole High School
Class of 2012

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→ There are 46 classes, starting with the class of 1959 all the way up to class of 2022.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Jake
Last Name Thomas
Maiden Name Ryan
Graduation Year Class of 2012
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province AK
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 2012 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 11 class of 2012 alumni that have joined.

Alan Jefferson

Alan Jefferson
Class of 2010

Jeremy Nuttall

Jeremy Nuttall
Class of 1991

Christian Lundfelt

Christian Lundfelt
Class of 1987

Jerry Stetler

Jerry Stetler
Class of 1991

Rachael R

Rachael R
Class of 2017

Terry Moore

Terry Moore
Class of 1988

Eric Lunsford

Eric Lunsford
Class of 1985

Jill Lewis

Jill Lewis
Class of 2005

Jay Chiarell

Jay Chiarell
Class of 1989

Brian Emerson

Brian Emerson
Class of 1999

Ruth Gaunt

Ruth Gaunt
Class of 1995

Christy Jenkins

Christy Jenkins
Class of 1991

Amy Hilterbrick

Amy Hilterbrick
Class of 2000

Merble Woodward

Merble Woodward
Class of 1988

Laura Carr

Laura Carr
Class of 1985

Larance Newman

Larance Newman
Class of 1985

Cassie Foltz

Cassie Foltz
Class of 2002

Chris Reed

Chris Reed
Class of 1993

Heather Bilicki

Heather Bilicki
Class of 1989

Jodi Christensen

Jodi Christensen
Class of 1988

Jessica Corriveau

Jessica Corriveau
Class of 1995

Casey Siat Siat

Casey Siat Siat
Class of 1994

Kiera Shepherd

Kiera Shepherd
Class of 2007

Tamara Watson

Tamara Watson
Class of 1980