North Vigo High School Alumni

Terre Haute, Indiana (IN)

AlumniClass Home  >  Indiana  >  North Vigo High School  >  Class of 2004  >  Clinton Roman

Clinton Roman

North Vigo High School
Class of 2004

→ Join 2140 Alumni from North Vigo High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 54 classes, starting with the class of 1955 all the way up to class of 2022.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Clinton
Last Name Roman
Graduation Year Class of 2004
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province NC
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 2004 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 15 class of 2004 alumni that have joined.

Hilary Kiser

Hilary Kiser
Class of 1994

Amber Grayless

Amber Grayless
Class of 2010

David Ray

David Ray
Class of 1976

Joseph Petrowski

Joseph Petrowski
Class of 1972

Meg Griffith

Meg Griffith
Class of 1978

John Mahalek

John Mahalek
Class of 1976

Saundra Trout

Saundra Trout
Class of 1975

Josh Thompson

Josh Thompson
Class of 1997

Stephanie Mcknight

Stephanie Mcknight
Class of 1972

Sally Hamrick

Sally Hamrick
Class of 1983

Brad Wilkinson

Brad Wilkinson
Class of 1994

Emily Howard

Emily Howard
Class of 1986

Gerald Richard

Gerald Richard
Class of 1977

Jeff Barnes

Jeff Barnes
Class of 1985

Bernetta Green

Bernetta Green
Class of 1980

Shirley Hitch

Shirley Hitch
Class of 1956

Jeff Kyle

Jeff Kyle
Class of 1982

Dorothy Kyker

Dorothy Kyker
Class of 1982

Natalie White

Natalie White
Class of 1992

Robert Hoehn

Robert Hoehn
Class of 1989

Kaleena Hayne

Kaleena Hayne
Class of 2003

Tanya Story

Tanya Story
Class of 1996

April Vester

April Vester
Class of 1990

Barbara Howard

Barbara Howard
Class of 1977