Northwest High School Alumni

Tunnel Hill, Georgia (GA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

Lost Class Rings

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Honored Military Alumni

Adam Jennings
Adam Jennings
Class of 1997
Marine Corps, 1 Years

Adam has reached his one year mark in the marine Corps and is looking forward to what the future might hold for him there.
Bobby E Dean
Bobby E Dean
Class of 1980
Army Reserves, 20+ Years

Active duty served in Germany and Ft Benning, Ga, served wit Ga National Guard, and reserves currently mobilized in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, working on 32 years with the military
Chief Petty Officer David Akins
Chief Petty Officer David Akins
Class of 1993
Navy, 14 Years

NMCB 40, Port Hueneme, CA- Deployed to Souda Bay, Greece/ Guam/ Bosnia. ATG/CSTG Atlantic, Norfolk, VA. NMCB 74, Gulfport, MS- Deployed to Puerto Rico. NMCB 7, Gulfport, MS- Deployed to Iraq & Kuwait, OIF I, II, II. NCTC Gulfport, MS. NMCB 74, Again! Currently Deployed to Kuwait, Again. Be Home sometime around Aug '08
Daniel Cobb
Daniel Cobb
Class of 2007
Marine Corps, 1 Years

Currently Lance Cpl Cobb is stationed at Yorktown VA, serving as Security Forces.
Danny Lowman
Danny Lowman
Class of 1992
Army, 12 Years

Danny did 3 years active duty and 9 years in the National Guard.
DC3 Austin Everett
DC3 Austin Everett
Class of 1993
Navy, 4 Years

I was stationed in Yokosuka Japan on board the USS Independence CV-62. My job title was Damage Control.
I was a shipboard firefighter and instructed shipboard personal in firefighting and CBR (Chemical Biological Radiological) surveying and clean-up techniques.
My proudest Navy moment was in April of 1997 when I crossed the equator and became a Shellback.
Jimmy L. DeFore
Jimmy L. DeFore
Class of 1993
Air Force, 11 Years

Currently stationed at Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene,Texas. Previous assignments were Little Rock AFB, Ramstein Air Base Germany, and Royal Air Force Mildenhall United Kingdom.
Justin Carter
Justin Carter
Class of 2001
Marine Corps, 3 Years

Marine Corps Pilot
Kirby Jones
Kirby Jones
Class of 2004
Navy, 5 Years

Navy Corpsman
Mark Farlett
Mark Farlett
Class of 1979
Army, 20+ Years

Lieutenant Colonel serving at the Pentagon. Enjoyed my time in Europe (German and France) and any time with the Soldiers is great. It has been a wonderful life with my wife of 21 years (Dianne) and our four children (2 each gender).
Matt O'Neal
Matt O'Neal
Class of 1988
Navy, 10 Years

Surface Warfare and Public Affairs Officer from 1992-2002. Served in the Mediterranean Sea, Western Pacific, The Pentagon, Seattle, WA and Norfolk, VA.
Matthew Hall
Matthew Hall
Class of 1994
Army, 8 Years

U.S. Army Infantry
Roger Henderson
Roger Henderson
Class of 1980
Navy, 20+ Years

Veteran of Grenada, two tours in Beruit, Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom 2006-2007 and 2008-2009.
Senior Chief Petty Officer Roger Henderson
Senior Chief Petty Officer Roger Henderson
Class of 1980
Navy, 20+ Years

US Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer. Served in:
Beirut 1981/1983
Grenada 1983
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation Enduring Freedom

Classmates Spotlight

Northwest High School Classmates

Tiffany Ward
Class of '07

Alumni Stories

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School News

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Our Northwest High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Northwest High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Tunnel Hill are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!