Oconto Falls High School Alumni

Oconto Falls, Wisconsin (WI)

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Jane Schneider (Jane Theisen)

Oconto Falls High School
Class of 1984

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→ There are 63 classes, starting with the class of 1933 all the way up to class of 2020.


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First Name Jane
Last Name Schneider
Maiden Name Theisen
Graduation Year Class of 1984
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province WI
Country United States
Occupation School Counselor
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Too many to list!
About Me Am married to Keith Schneider and have we 2 beautiful and talented daughters. We currently live in the home I grew up in. I am a School Counselor at Washington Middle School, right here in Oconto Falls!
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Class of 1984 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 10 class of 1984 alumni that have joined.

Cory Dellenbach

Cory Dellenbach
Class of 1999

Sandra Wellens

Sandra Wellens
Class of 1989

Carl Blahnik

Carl Blahnik
Class of 1989

Justina Schaal

Justina Schaal
Class of 1999

Trish Kadlec

Trish Kadlec
Class of 1984

Robert Coopman

Robert Coopman
Class of 1959

Michelle Nelson

Michelle Nelson
Class of 1983

Jackie Bouche

Jackie Bouche
Class of 1989

Janet Vandenlangenberg

Janet Vandenlangenberg
Class of 1974

Colleen Sagear

Colleen Sagear
Class of 1984

Lloyd Miller

Lloyd Miller
Class of 1978

Lisa Severson

Lisa Severson
Class of 1990

Janet Fifield

Janet Fifield
Class of 1961

Glenn Prausa

Glenn Prausa
Class of 1960

Ryan Mills

Ryan Mills
Class of 1995

Heide Wold

Heide Wold
Class of 2000

Joy Allen

Joy Allen
Class of 1975

Janis Jones

Janis Jones
Class of 1996

Holly Lewis

Holly Lewis
Class of 2004

James Konitzer

James Konitzer
Class of 1975

Deanna Moynihan

Deanna Moynihan
Class of 1982

Preston Pleshek

Preston Pleshek
Class of 1981

Danielle Murphy

Danielle Murphy
Class of 1995

Jaime Holts

Jaime Holts
Class of 2005