Orestimba High School Alumni
Newman, California (CA)
Monica Guo
Orestimba High School
Class of 2000
→ Join 1268 Alumni from Orestimba High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 65 classes, starting with the class of 1930 all the way up to class of 2022.
Class of 2000 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 12 class of 2000 alumni that have joined.
Shelby Lynn Fields
Class of 2011
Wyatt Silva
Class of 1992
María Paz Gonzalez
Class of 1985
Jon Mingo
Class of 2002
Debbie Carrow Walton Walton
Class of 1973
Brenda Battles
Class of 1998
Amber Lopez
Class of 1994
Ruben E Aguirre Ruben E Aguirre
Class of 1991
Orlando Zapien
Class of 2006
Charlene Baker
Class of 1996
Theresa Davis
Class of 1967
Phillip Barraza
Class of 2007
Mecca Ray
Class of 1988
Colleen Nolte
Class of 1979
Samuel Cantu
Class of 1995
Gilbert Alfaro
Class of 1995
Doug Avila
Class of 1989
Danny Costa
Class of 1975
Marcus Rollins
Class of 1986
Traci Fairey
Class of 1993
Jaimi Dominguez
Class of 1985
Salvador Ochoa
Class of 1982
Joe Ramos
Class of 1977
Cheri Cloud
Class of 1984