Osceola High School Alumni

Osceola, Wisconsin (WI)

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Kristin Sander (Kristin Glumske)

Osceola High School
Class of 1981

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Kristin Glumske - Class of 1981 - Osceola High School
First Name Kristin
Last Name Sander
Maiden Name Glumske
Graduation Year Class of 1981
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province WI
Country United States
Occupation Administrative Assistant
Married Divorced
About Me I have worked at a variety of employers as an administrative assistant. I have raised two sons who have also graduated from Osceola High School. My oldest, Tyler, has a BS in Business Administration and is now pursuing his 2nd degree in Accounting/Finance. My youngest is in his 2nd year of college, working towards a BS in Marketing Communications. I am currently t...(read more)
Kristin Glumske - Class of 1981 - Osceola High School

Class of 1981 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 14 class of 1981 alumni that have joined.

Barb Thompson Hoverman

Barb Thompson Hoverman
Class of 1981

Bonnie Tarazona

Bonnie Tarazona
Class of 1997

Charles Summers

Charles Summers
Class of 1965

Ann Baillargeon

Ann Baillargeon
Class of 1975

Lisa Morrisette

Lisa Morrisette
Class of 1997

Adam Bjornstad

Adam Bjornstad
Class of 2005

Steve Helgeland

Steve Helgeland
Class of 1984

Heather Potting

Heather Potting
Class of 1993

Katrina Sagness

Katrina Sagness
Class of 2002

Sandy Mondor

Sandy Mondor
Class of 1974

Chenise Calhoun

Chenise Calhoun
Class of 2003

Selah Speich

Selah Speich
Class of 1998

Rosemarie Aponte

Rosemarie Aponte
Class of 2012

Kara Schneider

Kara Schneider
Class of 1999

Jami Newman

Jami Newman
Class of 2005

Heidi Anderson

Heidi Anderson
Class of 1997

Ed Everson

Ed Everson
Class of 1966

Don Burrows

Don Burrows
Class of 1995

William Medina

William Medina
Class of 1990

Deborah Loftis

Deborah Loftis
Class of 1987

Nicholas Kunz

Nicholas Kunz
Class of 2000

Colleen Hastings

Colleen Hastings
Class of 1993

Courtney Johnson

Courtney Johnson
Class of 1993

Kenneth Camacho

Kenneth Camacho
Class of 2004