Ottawa Hills High School Alumni

Grand Rapids, Michigan (MI)

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Ottawa Hills High School - Class of 1961 Alumni, Grand Rapids MI

Join 12 alumni from Ottawa Hills High School Class of 1961. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Lynn Parker

Lynn Parker
Class of 1961

John Anderson

John Anderson
Class of 1961

Juris Brants

Juris Brants
Class of 1961

David Hill

David Hill
Class of 1961

Patricia Alikonis

Patricia Alikonis
Class of 1961

Phillip Samrick

Phillip Samrick
Class of 1961

William Rupp

William Rupp
Class of 1961

Susan Boyles

Susan Boyles
Class of 1961

Tom Luehrs

Tom Luehrs
Class of 1961

Shirley Mead

Shirley Mead
Class of 1961

Nancy Harrington

Nancy Harrington
Class of 1961

David Nies

David Nies
Class of 1961

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