Ottawa Hills High School Alumni

Grand Rapids, Michigan (MI)

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Ottawa Hills High School - Class of 1967 Alumni, Grand Rapids MI

Join 16 alumni from Ottawa Hills High School Class of 1967. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Robert Barrett

Robert Barrett
Class of 1967

Robert Barrett

Robert Barrett
Class of 1967

David Dykstra

David Dykstra
Class of 1967

Dave Dykstra

Dave Dykstra
Class of 1967

Jerry Horan

Jerry Horan
Class of 1967

Janice Goossen

Janice Goossen
Class of 1967

David Dykstra

David Dykstra
Class of 1967

Thomas Goff

Thomas Goff
Class of 1967

Barbara Barron

Barbara Barron
Class of 1967

Jeffrey Moss

Jeffrey Moss
Class of 1967

Jerome(jerry) Horan

Jerome(jerry) Horan
Class of 1967

Eugene Brown

Eugene Brown
Class of 1967

David Van Hammen

David Van Hammen
Class of 1967

Karen Devreugd

Karen Devreugd
Class of 1967

Scott Doyle

Scott Doyle
Class of 1967

Greg Siggins

Greg Siggins
Class of 1967

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