Ozark High School Alumni

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Michelle Cordle (Michelle Walker)

Ozark High School
Class of 1991

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Michelle Walker - Class of 1991 - Ozark High School
First Name Michelle
Last Name Cordle
Maiden Name Walker
Graduation Year Class of 1991
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province TX
Country United States
Occupation Armed Guard
Married Yes
About Me A little of this and that. Served in the Air Force from 2000-2006. met my husband in Korea. He is in the Army and has seved 18 years so far.
Michelle Walker - Class of 1991 - Ozark High School

Class of 1991 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 14 class of 1991 alumni that have joined.

April Parrish

April Parrish
Class of 1992

Amber Dawson

Amber Dawson
Class of 2006

Tracie Pruitt

Tracie Pruitt
Class of 1979

Sara Manny

Sara Manny
Class of 1998

Cindy Cindy Mckellar

Cindy Cindy Mckellar
Class of 2020

Kelly Bornmann

Kelly Bornmann
Class of 1979

Jennifer Lem

Jennifer Lem
Class of 1997

Jacquekine Pruitt

Jacquekine Pruitt
Class of 1974

Amber Everson

Amber Everson
Class of 2000

David Gibson

David Gibson
Class of 1989

Gerald Thomas

Gerald Thomas
Class of 1974

Jessica Smith

Jessica Smith
Class of 1994

Shay Mcclellan

Shay Mcclellan
Class of 2017

Curtis Brickley

Curtis Brickley
Class of 1984

Alicia Pledger

Alicia Pledger
Class of 1997

Don Wallis

Don Wallis
Class of 1995

Tom Edward

Tom Edward
Class of 1979

Jackie Forbus

Jackie Forbus
Class of 1971

Carmie Parrish

Carmie Parrish
Class of 1989

Rich Armstrong

Rich Armstrong
Class of 1991

Sarah Nance

Sarah Nance
Class of 2003

Alice Pruitt

Alice Pruitt
Class of 1989

Brian Williams

Brian Williams
Class of 1984

Tom Johnson

Tom Johnson
Class of 1983