Parkview High School Alumni

Lilburn, Georgia (GA)

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Nicole Allison (Nicole Allison)

Parkview High School
Class of 1990

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First Name Nicole
Last Name Allison
Maiden Name Allison
Graduation Year Class of 1990
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province GA
Country United States
Occupation Teacher
Married No
Favorite School Memory I loved acting on the theater stage and singing in the chorus with my friends. I also loved traveling to Europe for Spring Break with the French and German club!
About Me I graduated from UGA, got married and had a child, got divorced, worked as a manager of a customer service department for safety and security publication company, bought my first house, started teaching 4th grade at Simonton Elementary in Lawrenceville, then moved to Kanoheda Elementary, and I am now teaching 5th grade in Suwanee at Riverside Elementary. I have been here for 5 years, and I love it! I have also recently lost over 185 pounds after going through gastric bypass surge...(read more)
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Class of 1990 Alumni

→ Reunite with 44 class of 1990 alumni that have joined.

Jeremy Frydrych

Jeremy Frydrych
Class of 1999

Thuy Trang Nguyen Vu

Thuy Trang Nguyen Vu
Class of 2006

Jennifer Waldrup

Jennifer Waldrup
Class of 1980

Michelle Swenson

Michelle Swenson
Class of 1994

Felina Thomas

Felina Thomas
Class of 2018

Darryl Haynes

Darryl Haynes
Class of 1983

Zach Ford

Zach Ford
Class of 1988

Katherine Hoang

Katherine Hoang
Class of 1980

Karen Rank

Karen Rank
Class of 2015

Josh Warren

Josh Warren
Class of 1999

Kirsten Wangsness

Kirsten Wangsness
Class of 1999

Melissa Brown

Melissa Brown
Class of 1991

Dave Burdette

Dave Burdette
Class of 1980

Sarah Wilkey

Sarah Wilkey
Class of 2010

Jason Chow

Jason Chow
Class of 1996

Jasmin Surpris

Jasmin Surpris
Class of 2009

Robert Reeves

Robert Reeves
Class of 1992

Blake Voyles

Blake Voyles
Class of 2002

Claire Mcmahon

Claire Mcmahon
Class of 1982

Shane Cape

Shane Cape
Class of 1994

Ariel Sanders

Ariel Sanders
Class of 2017

Joanie French

Joanie French
Class of 1974

Danielle Danielle

Danielle Danielle
Class of 2010

Peter Paul

Peter Paul
Class of 1996