Pattonville High School Alumni
Maryland Heights, Missouri (MO)
Pattonville High School - Class of 1963 Alumni, Maryland Heights MO
Join 20 alumni from Pattonville High School Class of 1963. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Ronald Swan
Class of 1963

Marie Bareiter
Class of 1963

Sharon Sheperd
Class of 1963

Peggy Wickerham
Class of 1963

Lois Rickman
Class of 1963

Bonnie Beier
Class of 1963

Regenia Leslie
Class of 1963

Gloria Wunderlich
Class of 1963

Betty Armstrong
Class of 1963

Robert (bob) Wilcox
Class of 1963

David Graham
Class of 1963

Wendell Martin
Class of 1963

Peggy Goddard
Class of 1963

Ray Zimmermann
Class of 1963

Sharon Prince
Class of 1963

John F. Butler
Class of 1963

Cecil Roth
Class of 1963

Charles Collier
Class of 1963

Jay Hines
Class of 1963

Joseph Cohen
Class of 1963
Nearby Pattonville Classmates
Class of 1961
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Class of 1962
11 classmates have joined
Class of 1964
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Class of 1965
27 classmates have joined