Penn Manor High School Alumni
Millersville, Pennsylvania (PA)
Penn Manor High School - Class of 2000 Alumni, Millersville PA
Join 13 alumni from Penn Manor High School Class of 2000. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Matthew Rodreguiz
Class of 2000
Dan Jones
Class of 2000
Heather Benedict
Class of 2000
Janine Thomann
Class of 2000
Kendal Brenneman
Class of 2000
Alaina Newcomer
Class of 2000
Tonya Osborne
Class of 2000
Carlos Garza
Class of 2000
Glenn Weaver
Class of 2000
Melissa Meacham
Class of 2000
Jonathan Jacobs
Class of 2000
Jamie Guessford
Class of 2000
John Smith
Class of 2000
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