Penncrest High School Class Of 1979
September 14th, 2019 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Teca Restaurant
191 South Newtown Street Road
, Newtown Square
, Pennsylvania
, 19073
Invited Classes
Recommended Hotels
Hilton Garden Inn
Newtown Square
40th year class of 1979 reunion information.
Date: Saturday September 14,2019
Place: Teca Newtown Square
Hot and cold food stations
7pm -10pm
$75 per person
Make checks out to:Penncrest Class of 79
Send checks to: Penncrest Class of 79
202 Brooke Drive
West Chester, PA 19380
Have reserved a block of rooms at the new Hilton Garden Inn Newtown Square. Hotel only a couple miles from event. We have booked rooms with a discount. $159 plus state and local tax. King and double queens available. Can book by calling 1-877-stay-HGI or clicking link in above message
group code: PHS
group name Penncrest HS 1979 Reunion.
Please reserve your room and send check in by August 1, 2019
Please share and get the word out
Greg O'brien '79 said:
Get checks in for the 40 year reunion
Report a ProblemGreg O'brien '79 said:
Reunion information available
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