Pentucket Regional High School Alumni

West Newbury, Massachusetts (MA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

School & Community News

Pentucket Athletic Association

The Pentucket Athletic Assoc. would like to invite alumni to visit our website and join our mailing list. Find the links for joining our mailing list on the website at

The PAA is a non-profit, volunteer parent organization that supports all sports teams. All parents of current student-athletes are members of the PAA. We have accomplished much over the past years but we have more work to do, and we need your help!

posted May 23rd, 2013

Pentucket Pride 5K Sunday November 28th Race Start 10:00

The Pentucket Athletic Association is proud to present the inaugural running of the Pentucket Pride 5K. To register go to Proceeds from the event will go directly to replacing all of our sports banners in the Hardy Gym. It is hoped that many Pentucket Alumni will participate in this event!

COURSE: Challenging 3.1 mile loop through the pastoral roads of West Newbury with chip timing splits every mile and one aid station. Post-race food/refreshments will be offered

posted November 10th, 2010

Pentucket Education Foundation

Pentucket has a new foundation! Please join us at The Pentucket Education Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization committed to promoting excellence in education within the Pentucket Regional School District, and we need you to help make it a success!

posted October 20th, 2010

Band to New York!

The Pentucket Regional High School Sachem Marching Band and Color Guard will be performing in the 2011 New York St. Patrick's Day Parade!

Visit us at

posted October 10th, 2010
The 2015-2016 school year is in full swing at Pentucket Regional High School! The holidays are here along with all of the Sachems school events that come with them. Help keep your fellow Pentucket Regional High School alumni informed of events in the community, fundraisers, new staff, grants, sports, safety classes, PTA events and more! Post your Pentucket Regional High School school news here and give your fellow Sachems something to read about!

Posting your Pentucket Regional High School news is easy! Enter the title for your article and all the details that explain what is happening. Please refrain from posting reunion information on this page.