A Fall Gathering
Class of 1975/40 Year Reunion
Saturday, September 26, 2015
9:30am: “A Walk In The Park”
Need some exercise before a day of partying? Meet at the boathouse at Black Moshannon State Park for a walk along the lake and hopefully see some beautiful Fall foilage. Raining? Stay in bed! Contact Shelley Watson Clemens, shelleyclemens@verizon.net or 443-756-2345 for details... or just show up!!
1:00pm: “Best Ball Golf Tournament”
No experience necessary just a great attitude! Cost is $25.00 for non-members to include 18 holes of golf and a cart. Sign up by contacting Ed Reiter, edsells1@gmail.com or 814-590-9481.
7:00pm - ? - “Gather At The Elks”
The main event of the day! Join us for a casual gathering at the Elks Country Club, Philipsburg, PA. The club will still be open to members so it will be one big party! A room will be available to gather... hors d’oeuvres will be provided. Cash bar and DJ in the house! Come as you are and stay as long as you like...RSVP to Shelley Clemens for headcount....shelleyclemens@verizon.net.
Class donation of $10.00 per person to defray costs. Pay at the door. (Brothers and Sisters of alumni are welcome!)
The Phillips HotelPresquisle StreetPhilipsburg, PA 16866
Cocktails - 6pm on the terrace Dinner 7pm in ballroom...dancing will follow RSVP by September 1st or earlier Make checks payable to "P.O. 1975 Reunion Fund" Mail payment to Debbie Harris Kolbe, 309 Jesse Street, Philipsburg, PA 16866
Anyone can plan a reunion on our Philipsburg Osceola High School site.
1. Choose a date and location.
2. Invite graduating class(es).
3. Sell Tickets & Merch (optional).
Get started ...
Some of our Philipsburg Osceola High School alumni have already started planning their next reunion. Search our Mounties reunion page to see if your class has posted any information. Our list of Mounties reunions will give you all the details you need to know about your Philipsburg Osceola High School reunion! Trust us you don’t want to miss your next reunion!
If you don’t see your Philipsburg Osceola High School class reunion posted, you can start planning it today with our step-by-step planning process! Remember it is up to each class to plan their reunion and anyone can do it! Use our Mounties Alumni Site and set up your FREE reunion website today with all the tools you need right at your fingertips!