Piedmont High School Alumni

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Dorcas Freitas (Dorcas Cartwright)

Piedmont High School
Class of 1975

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Dorcas Cartwright - Class of 1975 - Piedmont High School
First Name Dorcas
Last Name Freitas
Maiden Name Cartwright
Graduation Year Class of 1975
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province CA
Country United States
Occupation Designer
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Turning myself in to the Dean of Students as a habitual truantt, which i had never intended to be. What happened was a girl taking first period attendance offered to mark me present whether I was or not. It was the only time I "cut" classes and I had to 'fess up so that I could go back to class. It was a great class, too; Mr. Goldstein's Economics class. Anyway, the dean asked me what I'd been doing, and I said, "Breaking into the auditoriium and playing piano." He had me agree to be in the talent show as my punishment and we won second place. Then Mr. Killian complained and I was disqualified, ...because II'd b een a habitual truant! I forfeited the $25 prize money. It was a terrifying but enjoya...(read more)
About Me I designed lighting and effects for theatre for many years, worked in computer graphics for a television company filming horse racing, taught middle school for eleven years, and now I'm raising horses and playing music up in Covelo, California.
Dorcas Cartwright - Class of 1975 - Piedmont High School

Class of 1975 Alumni

→ Reunite with 39 class of 1975 alumni that have joined.

Anderson Cheung

Anderson Cheung
Class of 2011

John Buckley

John Buckley
Class of 1958

Stephen Katsanos

Stephen Katsanos
Class of 1977

Alan Rosenberg

Alan Rosenberg
Class of 1980

Kenneth Ambrose

Kenneth Ambrose
Class of 1960

Linda Collins

Linda Collins
Class of 1960

Catherine Hughes

Catherine Hughes
Class of 1976

Lee (roger) Champion

Lee (roger) Champion
Class of 1962

John Smith

John Smith
Class of 1978

Vincent Crinnion

Vincent Crinnion
Class of 1976

Jessica Lum

Jessica Lum
Class of 1994

Gail Rudy

Gail Rudy
Class of 1989

Manya Solos

Manya Solos
Class of 1991

Pamela Hardesty

Pamela Hardesty
Class of 1988

Lori Guidi

Lori Guidi
Class of 1982

Joellen Currigan

Joellen Currigan
Class of 1973

Erin Moore

Erin Moore
Class of 1985

Matt Sawicki

Matt Sawicki
Class of 2002

Leah Epstein

Leah Epstein
Class of 2004

Kristen Johnson

Kristen Johnson
Class of 1976

Kevin Grani

Kevin Grani
Class of 1983

Samantha Johnson

Samantha Johnson
Class of 2002

Louise Cervantes

Louise Cervantes
Class of 1989

Robert Weber

Robert Weber
Class of 1979

Recent Class of 1975 Reunions

Plan a Class of 1975 Reunion for Free

50th Annual Leonard J Waxdeck Bird Calling Contest Alumni Reunion

Invited Classes: All Classes

Date: Apr 18, 2015

Description: PHS alumni are invited to attend a Champagne and Strawberry Reception in honor of Leonard J Waxdeck's 50th Annual Bird C...(read more)

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