Pittsfield High School Alumni

Pittsfield, Illinois (IL)

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Duska Morgason (Duska Martin)

Pittsfield High School
Class of 1967

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No photo uploaded
First Name Duska
Last Name Morgason
Maiden Name Martin
Graduation Year Class of 1967
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province IL
Country United States
Occupation LPN
Married Divorced
Favorite School Memory fallin asleep in spanish class
About Me worked an had kids
No photo uploaded

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Bonnie Borrowman

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Larry Bowman

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Laura Hurd

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Roger Loyd

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Ashlea Conger

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James Kirby

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Class of 2001

Terry Leahr

Terry Leahr
Class of 1980

danielle smith

danielle smith
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Tabitha Wagner

Tabitha Wagner
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Rebecca Bonnett

Rebecca Bonnett
Class of 1980

Dawn Vines

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Lori Capps

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Justin Noble

Justin Noble
Class of 1996