Plaquemine High School Alumni

Plaquemine, Louisiana (LA)

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Monika Edmond (Monika Georgetown)

Plaquemine High School
Class of 1980

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→ There are 71 classes, starting with the class of 1941 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Monika
Last Name Edmond
Maiden Name Georgetown
Graduation Year Class of 1980
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province LA
Country United States
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory graduation night, and pep rallies
About Me graduated from Southern University, Married and had one son Cody Worked for the City of Plaquemine for 20 years
No photo uploaded

Class of 1980 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 12 class of 1980 alumni that have joined.

Jason Albert

Jason Albert
Class of 2000

Joey Domingue

Joey Domingue
Class of 1998

Alice Welchez

Alice Welchez
Class of 1983

Heidi Howard

Heidi Howard
Class of 2001

Valorie Brown

Valorie Brown
Class of 1981

Cindy Brown

Cindy Brown
Class of 1977

Lee Ann Sellers

Lee Ann Sellers
Class of 1987

Joe Massey

Joe Massey
Class of 1964

Patrick Williams

Patrick Williams
Class of 1980

Albert Landry

Albert Landry
Class of 1994

Kayla Cognevich

Kayla Cognevich
Class of 2006

Roy Stewart

Roy Stewart
Class of 2001

David Riley

David Riley
Class of 1987

William Persick

William Persick
Class of 1975

Jackie Migliacio

Jackie Migliacio
Class of 2002

Vonda Kelly

Vonda Kelly
Class of 1984

Lasundra Porch

Lasundra Porch
Class of 2000

Sandra Castle

Sandra Castle
Class of 1985

Bruce Lewis

Bruce Lewis
Class of 1982

Crystallynne Havard

Crystallynne Havard
Class of 2001

Elva Murphy

Elva Murphy
Class of 1978

Danielle Gascon

Danielle Gascon
Class of 1992

Vivian Plant

Vivian Plant
Class of 1990

Jamira Rowe

Jamira Rowe
Class of 2014