Platteville High School Alumni

Platteville, Wisconsin (WI)

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Abby Dressler (Abby Mausser)

Platteville High School
Class of 1987

→ Join 2180 Alumni from Platteville High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 78 classes, starting with the class of 1900 all the way up to class of 2022.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Abby
Last Name Dressler
Maiden Name Mausser
Graduation Year Class of 1987
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province WI
Country United States
Occupation Sr. Operations Manager
Married Yes
No photo uploaded

Class of 1987 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 24 class of 1987 alumni that have joined.

Phil Jacoby

Phil Jacoby
Class of 1979

Marilyn Roth

Marilyn Roth
Class of 1967

Karen Fure

Karen Fure
Class of 1978

Tammy Harms

Tammy Harms
Class of 1981

Dennis Schaal

Dennis Schaal
Class of 1972

Lisa Banfield

Lisa Banfield
Class of 1987

Corrie Baker

Corrie Baker
Class of 1994

Glenn Klaassen

Glenn Klaassen
Class of 1981

Jerry Hying

Jerry Hying
Class of 1957

Elizabeth Klawiter

Elizabeth Klawiter
Class of 1994

Kelsey Ostendorf

Kelsey Ostendorf
Class of 2004

Darla Mellor

Darla Mellor
Class of 1972

David Bardell

David Bardell
Class of 1980

Robert Millman Millman

Robert Millman Millman
Class of 1956

Angie Carbone

Angie Carbone
Class of 1993

Paul Lee

Paul Lee
Class of 1985

Christian Christian Jerrett

Christian Christian Jerrett
Class of 1900

Ann Horne

Ann Horne
Class of 1983

Kathy Garbrecht

Kathy Garbrecht
Class of 1975

Elyssa Vondra

Elyssa Vondra
Class of 2016

Carla Lory

Carla Lory
Class of 1998

Casey Cotter

Casey Cotter
Class of 2003

Laurie Nelson

Laurie Nelson
Class of 1978

Steve Taber

Steve Taber
Class of 1979