Platteville High School Alumni

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Joan Hill (Joan Hill)

Platteville High School
Class of 1976

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→ There are 78 classes, starting with the class of 1900 all the way up to class of 2022.


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Joan Hill - Class of 1976 - Platteville High School
First Name Joan
Last Name Hill
Maiden Name Hill
Graduation Year Class of 1976
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province CO
Country United States
Occupation communications-grants-PR-Desktop Publishing-Photography
Married No
Favorite School Memory Card games
About Me Too much to list here! lol...
Joan Hill - Class of 1976 - Platteville High School

Class of 1976 Alumni

→ Reunite with 35 class of 1976 alumni that have joined.

Diane Martens

Diane Martens
Class of 1969

Jesse Weber Weber

Jesse Weber Weber
Class of 2019

Robert Weygant

Robert Weygant
Class of 1975

Shannon Vannatta

Shannon Vannatta
Class of 1996

Larry Watchorn

Larry Watchorn
Class of 1979

Frank Bonson

Frank Bonson
Class of 1918

Wayne Jentz Wayne Jentz

Wayne Jentz Wayne Jentz
Class of 1973

Jackie Spradling

Jackie Spradling
Class of 1957

Mark Taber

Mark Taber
Class of 1974

Phillip Williams

Phillip Williams
Class of 1997

Anthony Vacha

Anthony Vacha
Class of 1975

Jonathan Finnegan

Jonathan Finnegan
Class of 2007

Jeff Cooke

Jeff Cooke
Class of 1966

Rebecca (Becky) Poller

Rebecca (Becky) Poller
Class of 1977

Mark Hirsch

Mark Hirsch
Class of 1978

Shawna Steers

Shawna Steers
Class of 2010

Dave Eastlick

Dave Eastlick
Class of 1986

Troy Skaife

Troy Skaife
Class of 1987

Gerald Brogley

Gerald Brogley
Class of 1962

Kelly Berg

Kelly Berg
Class of 1995

Timothy Amore

Timothy Amore
Class of 2003

Brenda Bumgardner

Brenda Bumgardner
Class of 1985

Larry Watchorn

Larry Watchorn
Class of 1979

Karla Johnson

Karla Johnson
Class of 1964