Platteville High School Alumni

Platteville, Wisconsin (WI)

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Nick Carnahan

Platteville High School
Class of 1998

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→ There are 78 classes, starting with the class of 1900 all the way up to class of 2022.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Nick
Last Name Carnahan
Graduation Year Class of 1998
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province WI
Country United States
Occupation Architect
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Anything having to do with cross country. I liked school lunch too.
About Me I went to college. I got married to Amanda McFall We've travelled a lot. We bought a really dumpy house that we are in the process of fixing up.
No photo uploaded

Class of 1998 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 18 class of 1998 alumni that have joined.

Kolin Korsi

Kolin Korsi
Class of 1993

Jackie Johnson

Jackie Johnson
Class of 1983

Rick Belken

Rick Belken
Class of 1972

Tom Walton

Tom Walton
Class of 1978

Lucy Runde

Lucy Runde
Class of 1980

Scott Schuppener

Scott Schuppener
Class of 2002

Buck Wall

Buck Wall
Class of 1988

Schaun Tanner

Schaun Tanner
Class of 1976

Donald Steinbach

Donald Steinbach
Class of 1978

Cammie Dennis

Cammie Dennis
Class of 1977

David Duperrault

David Duperrault
Class of 1970

Erin Guler

Erin Guler
Class of 2003

Jamie Scarpetta

Jamie Scarpetta
Class of 1963

Melissa Hubbard

Melissa Hubbard
Class of 2002

Janann Dye

Janann Dye
Class of 1977

Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth Jones
Class of 1978

Heidi Heidi Brayko

Heidi Heidi Brayko
Class of 1976

Cora Lovell

Cora Lovell
Class of 2000

Scott Miller

Scott Miller
Class of 1980

John Steinbach

John Steinbach
Class of 1981

Rita Harris

Rita Harris
Class of 1970

Alice Roberts

Alice Roberts
Class of 2003

David Rogers

David Rogers
Class of 1984

Monica Spoto

Monica Spoto
Class of 1998