Plum High School Alumni

Plum, Pennsylvania (PA)

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Janet Felker (Janet Shish)

Plum High School
Class of 1968

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→ There are 68 classes, starting with the class of 1900 all the way up to class of 2022.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Janet
Last Name Felker
Maiden Name Shish
Graduation Year Class of 1968
Gender Female
Current Location Plum
Hometown Plum(Renton)
Relationship Status Married
About Me Same old me
No photo uploaded

Class of 1968 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 14 class of 1968 alumni that have joined.

Linda Wilkinson

Linda Wilkinson
Class of 1969

Tom Vincent

Tom Vincent
Class of 1977

Debra Hevner

Debra Hevner
Class of 1973

Bryan Romell

Bryan Romell
Class of 2012

Deb Lutzen

Deb Lutzen
Class of 1977

Michael Dunsworth

Michael Dunsworth
Class of 1995

Deborah Laraway

Deborah Laraway
Class of 1978

Jim Larkin

Jim Larkin
Class of 1969

Lynn Morgan

Lynn Morgan
Class of 1987

Mary Burns

Mary Burns
Class of 1986

David Doench

David Doench
Class of 1976

Ben Basista

Ben Basista
Class of 1995

Paul Glatz

Paul Glatz
Class of 1979

Kathy Coulter

Kathy Coulter
Class of 1981

Lawrence Ciccone

Lawrence Ciccone
Class of 2000

Joe Heim

Joe Heim
Class of 1976

Pat Fletcher

Pat Fletcher
Class of 1973

David Sciullo

David Sciullo
Class of 1978

Carl Schaad

Carl Schaad
Class of 1985

Joseph Spewock

Joseph Spewock
Class of 1993

Harry Parker

Harry Parker
Class of 1986

Lynn (pebbles) Keefer

Lynn (pebbles) Keefer
Class of 1986

Nancy Hartwick

Nancy Hartwick
Class of 1976

Alyssa Fernandez

Alyssa Fernandez
Class of 2007