Plum High School Alumni
Plum, Pennsylvania (PA)
Jonathan Green
Plum High School
Class of 2004
→ Join 2368 Alumni from Plum High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 68 classes, starting with the class of 1900 all the way up to class of 2022.
Class of 2004 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 14 class of 2004 alumni that have joined.
Jim Gaigen
Class of 1996
Joe Hochberg
Class of 2000
Dave Gray
Class of 1984
Sharee Keenan
Class of 1999
Mary Smith
Class of 1997
John Clegg
Class of 1976
Ron Kitsko
Class of 1966
Raymond Yenchi
Class of 1981
Susan Hallwirth
Class of 1979
Rich Haines
Class of 1989
Robert Prem
Class of 1991
Katie Reed
Class of 2002
Lenore Odekirk
Class of 1986
Laura Parker
Class of 2005
Lynnanne Henrickson
Class of 1976
Regis Susalla
Class of 1979
Laurie Ford
Class of 1982
Jason Franchi
Class of 1993
Brian Puffenbarger
Class of 1993
Genine Gall
Class of 1993
Sharon Stoecklein
Class of 1978
Patti Kirk
Class of 1987
Karen Fey
Class of 1981
Peter Gozinya
Class of 1986