Point Loma High School Alumni

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Lori Day Lori Day (Lori Day Lori Day)

Point Loma High School
Class of 1978

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→ There are 76 classes, starting with the class of 1929 all the way up to class of 2022.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Lori Day
Last Name Lori Day
Maiden Name Lori Day
Graduation Year Class of 1978
No photo uploaded

Class of 1978 Alumni

→ Reunite with 32 class of 1978 alumni that have joined.

Richard Conger

Richard Conger
Class of 1992

Gail Hathaway

Gail Hathaway
Class of 1970

Kimberly Loureiro

Kimberly Loureiro
Class of 1988

Lezlie Hurtado

Lezlie Hurtado
Class of 2009

Joseph Fernando Virissimo

Joseph Fernando Virissimo
Class of 1974

Elizabeth (bette) Lovelace

Elizabeth (bette) Lovelace
Class of 1959

Jane Demopoulos

Jane Demopoulos
Class of 1960

Valerie Hackett

Valerie Hackett
Class of 1986

David Sophie

David Sophie
Class of 1969

Maria Martinez

Maria Martinez
Class of 1988

Dave Perham

Dave Perham
Class of 1977

Jourdan Fahim

Jourdan Fahim
Class of 2005

John Lloyd

John Lloyd
Class of 1985

Carolyn Ball

Carolyn Ball
Class of 1957

Amy Fike

Amy Fike
Class of 1974

Jacqueline Vera Garcia

Jacqueline Vera Garcia
Class of 1998

Denise Williams

Denise Williams
Class of 1969

Rhonda Hopkins

Rhonda Hopkins
Class of 1988

Barbara Bennett

Barbara Bennett
Class of 1949

Charles Campanella Charles Campanella

Charles Campanella Charles Campanella
Class of 1960

Jessica Guichard

Jessica Guichard
Class of 1994

Sara Doenges

Sara Doenges
Class of 1970

Judy Rohlf

Judy Rohlf
Class of 1962

Barbara Rosenthal

Barbara Rosenthal
Class of 1968