Port Clinton High School Alumni

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Jane Leveck

Port Clinton High School
Class of 1971

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No photo uploaded
First Name Jane
Last Name Leveck
Graduation Year Class of 1971
Gender Female
Current Location nowhere
No photo uploaded

Class of 1971 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 10 class of 1971 alumni that have joined.

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Ja Basur
Class of 1959

Susan Shilling

Susan Shilling
Class of 1973

Brian Watt

Brian Watt
Class of 1986

Laura Obenauf

Laura Obenauf
Class of 1999

Ryan Ambrozy

Ryan Ambrozy
Class of 1998

Walter Everett

Walter Everett
Class of 1964

Vickie Hudson

Vickie Hudson
Class of 1987

Kim Clawson

Kim Clawson
Class of 1976

Karlene Browne

Karlene Browne
Class of 1998

April Schalk

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Class of 2003

Sue  (suzanne) Wiseman

Sue (suzanne) Wiseman
Class of 1960

Amanda Mcglothlin

Amanda Mcglothlin
Class of 2004

Lisa Zekany

Lisa Zekany
Class of 1987

Mark Allen

Mark Allen
Class of 1983

Theresa Theresa Reyome

Theresa Theresa Reyome
Class of 1977

Jose Abrego

Jose Abrego
Class of 1994

Cari Sachs

Cari Sachs
Class of 1993

Elizabeth Schnitzler

Elizabeth Schnitzler
Class of 1988

Brodrick Davis

Brodrick Davis
Class of 1992

Angela Robel

Angela Robel
Class of 1986

Art Ontko

Art Ontko
Class of 1971

Jeffrey Jadwisiak

Jeffrey Jadwisiak
Class of 1994

Amanda Cooper

Amanda Cooper
Class of 1999

Colleen Carroll

Colleen Carroll
Class of 1986