Pulaski High School Alumni

Pulaski, Wisconsin (WI)

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Dawn Flores (Dawn Thompson)

Pulaski High School
Class of 1979

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First Name Dawn
Last Name Flores
Maiden Name Thompson
Graduation Year Class of 1979
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province VA
Country United States
Occupation Artist/Writer
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Painting sets for plays
About Me I have lived in New Orleans, New York and, currently, Virginia. I have visited Mexico, Costa Rica and Bermuda. I work as a free-lance artist, writer, dancer and teacher.
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Class of 1979 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 13 class of 1979 alumni that have joined.

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Laura Heiser
Class of 2002

Todd Ropella

Todd Ropella
Class of 1991

Stacey Malcheski

Stacey Malcheski
Class of 1997

Daniela Anderson

Daniela Anderson
Class of 1991

Jennifer Kaminski

Jennifer Kaminski
Class of 1992

Steve Parish

Steve Parish
Class of 1974

Stephanie Pahl

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Class of 2005

Lisa Spreeman

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Class of 1987

Aaron Niespodzany

Aaron Niespodzany
Class of 1995

David Kufner

David Kufner
Class of 1983

Debbie Elsner

Debbie Elsner
Class of 1976

Beth Gereau

Beth Gereau
Class of 1988

Audrey Jaworski

Audrey Jaworski
Class of 1964

Amy Kadrlik

Amy Kadrlik
Class of 1993

Westly Preston

Westly Preston
Class of 1982

Carrie Galaszewski

Carrie Galaszewski
Class of 1987

Casey Fedor

Casey Fedor
Class of 1996

Jeremy Vanlaanen

Jeremy Vanlaanen
Class of 1987

Tanya Laning

Tanya Laning
Class of 1991

John Conradt

John Conradt
Class of 1994

Sandra Foster

Sandra Foster
Class of 1959

Holly Schultz

Holly Schultz
Class of 1992

Sarah Mccollum

Sarah Mccollum
Class of 1988

Kris Taylor

Kris Taylor
Class of 1991