Class of 1973 Reunion (40 year)
Ralston American Legion Post 373
Just a reminder to book your flights and schedule your time off etc..: Wednesday July 3rd Ralston festivities start usually with music on Main Street. I will follow up with more info as I get it. July 4th is the Ralston Independence Day parade which starts about 1 pm. Again as posters and info become available I will post so you are aware of all major activities in Ralston that day. The evening of July 4th is an OPEN HOUSE hosted by Ken Lant in Elkhorn for all class of 73 alumni from 5pm til 10 pm or later ;-) , I will post address and directions later. July 5th class of 73, forty year reunion at Ralston American Legion STARTS around 6pm a la carte menu, free keg and DJ, July6th same time and place for Ralston all-class reunion. Hope you can all make it. I don't want anybody left out so please send me any info you have on all our classmates so I can be sure they get invited. Phone numbers, e-mail, local address etc..
Friday, July 5th, 2013 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Our 25 year is approaching faster than we think. I can not believe it's next year already!! I have been doing a lot of pondering on this and thought I'd get the ball rolling. I was thinking about having it the 4th of July weekend next year for the mere fact that that seems to be the time most of you make it home. I was thinking it would be fun to have some sort of float in the parade. And with all the activie...s that go on that weekend it would be easy for all of us to get together for most of them ie: the street dance, parade, fireworks etc.. I will take ANY ideas you all have and will take ANY help from whom ever wants to help me plan our 25th. As ?I did the10 year I have no problem doing this but will not do it all on my own!! LOL It took over a year to plan the 10 year so that i why I'm sending this NOW. You can either reach me through Facebok, private email, or phone. Just email on here and I will give you my number and or email address. As I stated before I will take any and ALL suggestions and help!! I will TRY in the next month or so to get out a list of peeps that I can not find. Let's get this party started!!! "87" rules!! lol Becky Spaulding See More
Wednesday, July 4th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
81 Alumni gathering at Perry's Place
Perry's Bar 9652 Mockingbird Dr., Omaha NE - Music, Food, Drink, beer garden all around fun! - ********************************************************* - Also Retro Dress Golf Outing on Sat. July 2. Reserve your Tee time by June 22 by emailing colleenmim
$10.00 per person if paid in advance or $15.00 the night of event. Send checks to Colleen (Daly) Mimick, 7954 So 46th St., Omaha NE 68157
Friday, July 1st, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Ralston Class of 1980 30 year Reunion
The Elks Club in Ralston (approx. 96th & Harrison).
Please contact Carmen Collins Foy and or Paul Foy at foy4u@msn.com to let us know if you plan on coming to the reunion. This will give us a better idea of how many will be there and figure out a price for tickets. Also, invite anyone from our class to get in contact with Paul and I. Thank you Carmen Collins Foy
Saturday, July 3rd, 2010
Invited Classes:
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25 Year Reunion
Brewsky's Food & Spirits - 8528 Park DR - Ralston, NE 68127
We are asking for a $5 donation for appetizers only.
Friday, July 3rd, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
It's Our 25-Year Reunion!
Brewsky’s - 8528 Park Drive - (next to the Old Park IV theatre).
Come enjoy a casual evening with your classmates in celebration of our 25-year High School Reunion.
Saturday, August 2nd, 2008
Invited Classes:
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