Randolph High School Alumni

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Jane Knes

Randolph High School
Class of 1963

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Jane Knes - Class of 1963 - Randolph High School
First Name Jane
Last Name Knes
Graduation Year Class of 1963
Gender Female
Current Location Boise, Idaho
Hometown Randolph, Wisconsin
Relationship Status Married
Jane Knes - Class of 1963 - Randolph High School

Class of 1963 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

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Jenni Jenkins
Class of 1996

Tina Waterworth

Tina Waterworth
Class of 1982

Nicholas Weinberger

Nicholas Weinberger
Class of 2003

Dave Knapp

Dave Knapp
Class of 1978

John Diffor

John Diffor
Class of 1960

Larry Dykstra

Larry Dykstra
Class of 1966

Robert Syens

Robert Syens
Class of 1967

Jerry Schaalma

Jerry Schaalma
Class of 1971

James Smith

James Smith
Class of 1948

Xi Wang

Xi Wang
Class of 1953

Kathi Christian

Kathi Christian
Class of 1985

Carla Mohwinkel

Carla Mohwinkel
Class of 1983

Sandy Muenchow

Sandy Muenchow
Class of 1976

Jim Zieman

Jim Zieman
Class of 1976

Jason Miles

Jason Miles
Class of 1991


Ellis "butch" Smedema
Class of 1964

Doug Kuenn

Doug Kuenn
Class of 1979

Edward Vanderwoude

Edward Vanderwoude
Class of 1968

Kent Maclaughlin

Kent Maclaughlin
Class of 1977

Will Schantl

Will Schantl
Class of 1963

Bob Diddlesworth

Bob Diddlesworth
Class of 1995

Linda Fuller

Linda Fuller
Class of 1989

Marie Hughes-wabst

Marie Hughes-wabst
Class of 1973

James Klingbyll

James Klingbyll
Class of 1961