Reno High School Alumni
Reno, Nevada (NV)
Holmes Pooser (Holmes Pooser)
Reno High School
Class of 1998
→ Join 1875 Alumni from Reno High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 76 classes, starting with the class of 1920 all the way up to class of 2023.
First Name | Holmes |
Last Name | Pooser |
Maiden Name | Pooser |
Graduation Year | Class of 1998 |
Gender | Female |
City | N/A |
State/Province | NV |
Country | United States |
Occupation | Music Director, CBS Radio LV |
Married | No |
Class of 1998 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 19 class of 1998 alumni that have joined.
Cindy Brown
Class of 1971
Elhum Warner
Class of 1998
Nancy Smith
Class of 1979
Sherry Morrey
Class of 1963
Mike Durgen
Class of 1998
Richard Smeltzer
Class of 1966
Teri Castello
Class of 1989
Linda Smart
Class of 1970
Rochelle Hunter
Class of 1988
Dale Barkman
Class of 1960
Gordon Conrad
Class of 1958
Louise Louise Precosky
Class of 1966
Maria Witthoft
Class of 1967
Loretta Greenley
Class of 1970
William Warner
Class of 1979
Vicki Ramociotti
Class of 1973
Joi Culp
Class of 1986
Geoffrey Geoffrey Parlane
Class of 1988
Anna Joann
Class of 2002
Lorraine Tornquist
Class of 2004
Sue Detar
Class of 1973
Anthony Earle
Class of 1970
Carol Waldren
Class of 1972
Jennifer Chapdelain
Class of 1978
Recent Class of 1998 Reunions
Plan a Class of 1998 Reunion for Free
Reno High School Class of 1998 20 Year Reunion
Invited Classes: 1998
Date: Jul 14, 2018
Description: You can get all the details for our 20 Year Reunion on our Facebook page, Reno High School Class of 1998, or contact me,...(read more)